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The Idea

Paddlefest is an event on the Ohio River where we put thousands of canoes and kayaks on the river. It is a fundraiser for Outdoor Adventure Crew, and I am a member of the executive board for the event. Many large-scale events like this feature mobile apps allowing attendees to interact with the event and so the event can push urgent updates.


  • Paddlefest attendees are able to access a calendar of all the events that are happening both for the riverfront festivities and the acutal paddle
  • Paddlefest is able to send notification blasts to all attendees, helping drive engagement and improve safety and efficiency
  • A live photo feed allows participants to share their photos with the event and other eventgoers. All photos are filtered on the backend and are stored on an aws s3 bucket.
  • A map is availible that shows the location of each booth, important event, and upcoming activties.
  • Volunteers are able to access a hidden page that provides them with more information on their volunteer roles and who to contact for help.

The tech stack

  • React Native (Expo)
  • Node.JS (Express) server
  • Next.js (React) admin panel
  • AWS S3 bucket for storing photos
  • Backend is hosted on DigitalOcean Kubernetes