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The Idea

I was frustrated with the lack of a high quality mobile app to use to control my DigitalOcean products. The official DigitalOcean web dashboard is not mobile friendly, and the mobile apps out there are either extremely difficult to use, not feature rich, or expensive.

The Features so far

  • 💵 Current billing
  • 🏦 Historical invoice viewing
  • 💧 Droplet information view
  • 📈 Droplet CPU performance information
  • 🏗 Creating a droplet
  • 📱 Viewing information for Apps

This is far from a full complement to DigitalOcean’s products, so here is my current roadmap:

  • ⚙️ Change ‘account’ link to ‘settings’ include more settings for the app
  • 📊 Database listing and editing. This will require some thinking and work. Design suggestions are appreciated!
  • 🚏 DNS Service support, adding, editing, and deleting entries
  • 📶 Networking setup with Load Balancers and firewalls
  • 💿 Add Spaces support, including uploading, downloading, and sharing files
  • ⛴ Add Kubernetes support with link to the Kube dashboard (?) if possible
  • 🤖 Make availible on Android
  • 💦 Implement disk, memory, and networking monitoring for Droplets
  • 📲 Adding a button that allows the creation of apps
  • ❗️ Improving netcode error handling

The tech stack

  • React Native
  • DigitalOcean API
  • Cloudflare Workers

Interactions with DigitalOcean

On a whim, I sent this app to DigitalOcean to see if they thought it was cool, I had no other goals when I originally reached out. In the interactions with them, however, I scored some sweet free swag and met some really awesome people! We are still in discussions regarding the future of the app but I am excited to see what the future holds.